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What is an LTU-904?

The LTU-904 is an infrared laser operating at a wavelength of 904 nanometers. This invisible wavelength penetrates deeply into tissue (much deeper than the often used red laser operating in the visible red region).

It is the ONLY laser device cleared by the US FDA and Australian TGA for lymphoedema treatment after breast cancer, and this product is backed with honest clinical data and outstanding customer support. 

The LTU can be used in conjunction with ultrasonic therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractic therapy and concurrent with most other therapy.

Full details of the treatment methods for various injuries are provided in the comprehensive owner's manual which is included with the unit.

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How does Low Level Laser Therapy Work?

 Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) produces a photochemical effect. Infrared energy is absorbed in the cell membrane, where it induces a photophysical reaction which directly mediates the membrane potential, resulting in the intra and extracellular transport of photoproducts.

The ultimate photoresponse is cellular proliferation.


The cellular mechanisms are immediate, and are followed by secondary local reactions as the photoproducts interact with surrounding cells and tissue, producing such documented effects as enhanced blood and lymphatic flow, and photo mediated neural responses. The local reactions are followed by systemic effects as the photoproducts are carried by the blood and lymphatic systems around the body, and the photo mediated neuro responses take effect.

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Benefits of the LTU-904

Low Level Laser Therapy for Lymphoedema

Shortened Recovery Time

Simple and often immediate analgesic effect at the time of treatment

Reduced Inflammation & Swelling

Dramatically shortened recovery time with rapid reduction of swelling and inflammation

Eye Safe

The LTU-904 is a Class 1 laser and there are no eye safety requirements.

Less Invasive Self Treatment

Australia's first self treatment option that are effective and non-invasive.

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How to use the LTU-904?

Treatment using the LTU-904 is used directly in contact with the tissue. The laser does not generate any pain or heat. Target the axilla, the armpit and the breast or any areas of fibrosis. 


If you’re not sure which areas to target, a licensed laser or lymphoedema therapist can recommend the best areas. We have two therapists available for consultations regarding the use of our LTU-904 units. 


Use on each spot, about an inch and a half apart for a minute at a time. The average treatment time is about 15 - 20 minutes. It is recommended that you treat the affected areas 3x per week for 6 weeks with patients generally reporting a softening of the tissue



The outstanding features of the LTU models are their strength and portability. The LTU-904 Unit is designed to be used as easily in the field as in the surgery.


The small portable package is hand-held with rechargeable batteries that give up to five hours of continuous use between charges, or the units can be operated from mains power.


The digital timer keeps track of the treatment time, and the audible beep confirms that the unit is working.

Each unit (excluding to USA) comes with a reflective shield. This innovation ensures that light reflected from the surface of the skin is reflected back to the tissue. This improves the effectiveness of the unit.

within the first couple of weeks.

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